Eye Glasses & Vision

Collecting used, unneeded eyeglasses is one of the hallmarks of Lions Clubs across the world. Our collection boxes are located throughout the county. They’re collected and then sent to Lions Eyebank to be refurbished and sent out to others in need.

Additionally, Lions provides follow up care and glasses to those in need throughout the community. Lions provide funding to be sure people get the services needed, regardless of age of the person. Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion.

Shortly after its inception in 1917, Lions Clubs International became known as the “Knights of The Blind” through our work with Helen Keller. Our club continues the tradition of aiding those with vision problems. For school age children, we have a referral program through the local school nurses. For pre-school children and adults, we have teamed up with Mountain Family Center. Both programs enable those who are unable to afford glasses to get the help they need. Our club is fortunate to work closely with Scott Linn at Winter Park Optical to provide the eye exams and glasses for all our vision assistance programs.

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